495 results
Eyelid Melanoma - Despite conservative interventions, the stye had persisted and the skin had become noticeably
A biopsy specimen ... C) #Clinical #Pathology
Histologic Features and Prevalence of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH). NASH is a potentially progressive type of nonalcoholic
in liver-biopsy specimens ... #Pathology #Epidemiology
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Lymphadenitis: 

Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic fungal infection rare in the US, but endemic in
highlighted by GMS special ... Lymphadenitis #Pathology
Cutaneous Actinomycosis - the left knee was noted to have edema, erythema, hyperpigmentation, hyperkeratinization, and several
grew actinomyces species ... Clinical #Derm #Pathology
Dubin-Johnson Syndrome - A laparoscopic exploration revealed a smooth liver with normal consistency and morphologic features
A biopsy specimen ... B) #Clinical #Pathology
Hidden areas - There are some areas that need special attention, because pathology in these areas
areas that need special ... attention, because pathology
Nodular Lymphoid Hyperplasia - gastroduodenoscopy, which revealed numerous nodules in the duodenum (Panel A). Multiple biopsies
examination of the specimens ... B) #Clinical #Pathology
Perirenal Extramedullary Hematopoiesis - Magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen, performed without the administration of contrast
A biopsy specimen ... cilnical #Radiology #Pathology
Causes of Myocarditis
Infectious Etiologies:
 • Viral agents: Adenoviruses, Enteroviruses (coxsackievirus), Herpesviruses (human herpesvirus 6, Epstein—Barr virus),
agents: Borrelia species ... Mycobacterium species ... Streptococcal species ... , Candida species ... , Histoplasma species
Pathologic Red Blood Cell (RBC) Morphologies and Associated Diseases

Acanthocyte (spur cell),  
Basophilic stippling, 
Bite cell,
Pathologic Red Blood ... Atlas #Microscopy #Pathology ... Robbins & Cotran Pathologic