46 results
St Mark's Solution - Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS)
Great for oral rehydration in patients with high output
cold tap water #StMarks
It starts as sinus rhythm with probable inferior STEMI, but becomes ventricular fibrillation (or polymorphic ventricular
It starts as sinus
Left ventricular aneurysm seen during open heart surgery 

A large fibrotic area marks the ischemic region,
fibrotic area marks
Fig. 8.  Surface marking to guide needle insertion. In the paramedian sagittal (PS) oblique view,
screen, and skin marks ... intersection of these two marks
Causes of Hypokalemia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Defining the cause of hypokalemia starts by measuring urinary K
of hypokalemia starts
Lemierre’s Syndrome - Pathophysiology

Lemierre’s is an infectious thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein.

 - It starts
- It starts
Brugada syndrome Types 1, 2 and 3

There are three types of ECG presentations, referred to as
The ST segment starts
Timeline for Progression of T2WI and DWI Findings in Acute Stroke
 - In the acute phase
After this it starts
Kussmaul's sign in Constrictive Pericarditis 

A 50-year-old woman with a remote history of mediastinal lymphoma (age
circular blue marks
Landau's Reaction (Reflex)  on Physical Exam

Landau's reaction is investigated holding the baby firmly under the
This reaction starts