771 results
Post-TAVR Suicide Left Ventricle
Pre-TAVR: High afterload from aortic stenosis leads to compensatory left ventricular hypertrophy and
Post-TAVR Suicide ... #PostTAVR #Suicide ... diagnosis #management #pathophysiology
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Symptoms (included in DSM 5 criteria) - Present during
thoughts of death or suicide ... MoodDisorders #Diagnosis #Pathophysiology
Bipolar Disorder: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
 • Disruption of emotional homeostasis
 • Oscillation between mood states
retardation - Incr suicidal ... MoodDisorders #Diagnosis #Pathophysiology
Borderline Personality Disorder: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
Behavioral Traits:
 • Unstable Relationships - Alternating extremes of idealization
financial spending • Suicidal ... Behaviours - Recurrent suicidal ... BPD Mnemonic: AM SUICIDE ... instability - Suicide ... Symptoms #Mnemonic #AMSUICIDE
Thoughts of suicide - initial assessment #Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #Pysch #Suicide #Assessment #Screening #BMJ
Thoughts of suicide ... PrimaryCare #Pysch #Suicide
HEEADSSS - for psychosocial history taking in adolescents

Home environment, Education and employment, Eating, peer-related Activities, Drugs,
Drugs, Sexuality, Suicide
Anorexia Nervosa: Complications
 - Functional: Low BP, Sinus bradycardia, prolonged QT interval
 - Structural: Reduced
illnesses • Suicide ... Complications #pathophysiology
Summary of meta-analysis of pharmacotherapy trials in BPD
Meta-analyses of RCTs were undertaken for the following outcomes:
depression, anxiety and suicidal ... self-harm and suicide
Diabetes Pathophysiology and Medication Targets

The ominous octet is one concept that summarizes the different pathophysiologic pathways
Diabetes Pathophysiology ... the different pathophysiologic ... #Diabetes #Pathophysiology
Maculopapular - Diagnostic Algorithm
- Catch-all term with a wide range of potential pathophysiologic mechanisms and causative
Diagnostic Algorithm Pathophysiology ... range of potential pathophysiologic ... - Pathophysiology