429 results
COVID-19 Hypoxia Management

Indication for endotracheal intubation?
Tolerating supplemental oxygen?
Consider HFNC
Not tolerating HFNC or HFNC is not available?
Tolerating supplemental ... management #schema #criticalcare
Difficult Airway Algorithm

1. Assess the likelihood and clinical impact of basic management problems: 
 • Difficulty
opportunities to deliver supplemental ... Anesthesiology #Anesthesia #CriticalCare
Nasal Oxygen Delivery Devices
Nasal cannula can be used to deliver supplemental O2. Conventional nasal cannula are
used to deliver supplemental ... management #pulmonary #criticalcare
Algorithm for the Treatment of COPD

Stepwise Drug Therapy, Healthcare Factors, and Supplemental Therapy

#Management #COPD #Algorithm #Stepwise
Healthcare Factors, and Supplemental ... Algorithm #Stepwise #Supplemental
Hypercalcemia Diagnosis Algorithm
 - Primary Hyperparathyroidism
 - FHH
 - Hypercalcemia of malignancy
 - Local osteolytic hypercalcemia
endocrine disorders, supplements
Causes of Copper Deficiency - Differential Diagnosis
 - Menkes disease, familial hypoceruloplasminemia
Decreased / Inadequate Intake:
supplementation) or iron supplements ... inadequate copper supplements
COPD Exacerbations - Management
 • Identify Triggers
 • Assess Severity
 • Risk for Poor Outcomes
Address Hypoxemia (Supplemental
Causes of Constipation - Differential Diagnosis Framework
 • Motility: Diet, IBS-C, Colonic inertia, Pelvic floor disorders,
Iron, Calcium supplements
Lab patterns seen in Inborn Errors of Metabolism

A table of lab values compiled from UpToDate and
IEM schema for supplemental
Cardiogenic Shock algorithm #algorithm #cardiology #cardiogenicshock #criticalcare #algorithm
cardiogenicshock #criticalcare