21 results
Labeled Cervical Spine XRay Anatomy - Swimmer's View

#Anatomy #Radiology #Cervical #CSpine #XRay #Swimmers #View #Labeled
XRay Anatomy - Swimmer's ... #CSpine #XRay #Swimmers
Acute Otitis Externa (Swimmer’s Ear): Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Pathogens = Pseudomonas aeruginosa (most common opportunistic), Staphylococcus,
Otitis Externa (Swimmer ... HIV, diabetes), Swimmers
Lung Point in Pneumothorax on Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)

Eric Abrams, MD @eabramsMD

#LungPoint #Pneumothorax #POCUS #Clinical
@eabramsMD #LungPoint
This is what a #pneumothorax looks like on US. Air abolishes normal lung sliding. The "lung
Clinical #POCUS #LungPoint
Acute Schistosomiasis: Katayama Fever
 • Most common in travelers and children
 • "Swimmers Itch" in the
children • "Swimmers
False Positive Lung Point on POCUS
Lung-Cardiac Point and Lung-Diaphragm Point
These images highlight selected differentials to pleural
UAlberta_Sono #False #LungPoint
Point-of-Care Ultrasound Algorithm for Airway Management (courtesy of James Tsung MD)

Algorithm originally published https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.7863/jum.2008.27.5.785

#Diagnosis #Management #POCUS
Airway #LungPulse #LungPoint
Lung Point in Pneumothorax - Lung POCUS
When looking for lung sliding you should make the image
It should shimmer ... icmteaching #LungPoint
Post Proning Nursing Checklist
 - Check ETT/tracheostomy is accessible/not kinked (ETT cm at teeth …..)
- Alternate Swimmers
Waterborne Infections - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Infections that can be acquired from fresh water, brackish water, sea
Cercarial dermatitis (Swimmer's