1926 results
Combination of diagnostic criteria used to assess the severity of tricuspid regurgitation (TR). This figure lists
regurgitation (TR ... al.60 In this algorithm ... , severe TR was
Restrictive Cardiomyopathy - Diagnosis and Causes
Clinical: Dyspnea, Exercise Intolerance, ↑ "Right Sided-Symptoms" (ascites, hepatomegaly, ↑↑peripheral edema)
Rales,+S4, MR and TR ... Amyloid, Wild Type TTR ... , Senile TTR), ... differential #cardiology #algorithm
Diastolic Tricuspid Regurgitation on Echocardiogram secondary to AV Block

Laurey @su_dar_shan

#Diastolic #Tricuspid #Regurgitation #TR #Echocardiogram #A4C #Clinical
Regurgitation #TR
Cardiac Murmurs and Maneuvers

An algorithm demonstrating the effect of various maneuvers on systolic murmurs. 
TR, tricuspid
Maneuvers An algorithm ... TR, tricuspid regurgitation
De Musset's sign of venous origin - Lateral Head Bob (Heart rate ~130 bpm.)

De Musset's of
fusion) of severe TR ... origin" Severe TR ... TricuspidRegurgitation #TR
Abdominojugular (Hepatojugular) Reflux

Described by Pasteur in 1885 as a physical sign of TR. Still useful for
physical sign of TR
Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation on JVP Examination

What information about the patient do we get from this #JVP
Regurgitation #TR
RA/CVP Waveform Interpretation

Central venous pressure (CVP) or right atrial pressure (RAP) waveform tracings can often times
’ descent with TR ... pericarditis (CP), ↓ with TR ... systole). ↑ in TR
Methods for quantifying tricuspid regurgitation. In this figure, the 3 methods for quantifying tricuspid regurgitation are
orifice area; TR
Kussmaul's Sign on Physical Exam

What’s the diagnosis?
Severe biventeicular failure with + Kussmaul sign! NICM. No constriction!

cardiomyopathy, severe TR