39 results
Medical Management of Riot-Control Agents AKA Tear Gas - 
1) Remove clothing by cutting off, don't
wandering_er #TearGas
Disc Herniations - Pathogenesis and Complications
• 90% of Lumbar disc herniations happen at L4/5 and L5/S1
loading compresses/tears ... through these tears
Split, Fractured Patella on Knee Exam

30 years old male, 10 years post motorbike accident.  Split,
fractured patella with tears
Retinal Tears on Fundoscopy Ocular Examination

Patient with tractional retinal detachment operated with silicone. Presents tears to
Retinal Tears on ... Presents tears to ... oftalmopo #Retinal #Tears
Bell's Palsy - Diagnosis and Management Summary - GrepMed Handbook

Acute Idiopathic Unilateral Facial Nerve (CN7) Palsy
Awake: Artificial tears ... Sleep: Artificial tears
Trendelenburg Gait: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Skeletal Pathology of the Hip
 • Arthritis
 • Congenital hip dysplasia
Trauma • Strains/ tears
FABER Maneuver: Flexion, ABduction, External Rotation 

Tips to distinguish SI joint pain from other areas of
positive in labral tears
Manifestations of Anaphylaxis by Body System


 - Eyes: periorbital swelling/erythema, injected conjunctiva, tears

 - Oral mucosa:
injected conjunctiva, tears
Approach to Joint Pain

Is the pain from:
	• Joint
	• Adjacent bursa
	• Tendon
	• Ligament
	• Bone
	• Muscle
	• Referred from
., meniscal tears
Bovine Aortic Arch Variant - Thoracotomy

- Dr. Luis Felipe Cabrera Vargas @PipeCabreraV @Cirbosque

#Bovine #Aortic #Arch #Variant
Felipe Cabrera Vargas