2203 results
Rectus Abdominis Sheath Hematoma on POCUS
Elderly female with patulous multiparous abdomen, asthma exacerbation with bouts of
Sheath Hematoma on POCUS ... Emergency medicine #POCUS ... confirmed with CT and transferred ... Sheath #Hematoma #POCUS
RV wall perforation from pacer wire on POCUS

Patient with severe chest pain since last night. SC
pacer wire on POCUS ... Transferred back ... PPM #Pacemaker #POCUS
Iron Panel Interpretation

Iron deficiency - ↓ Iron, ↑-nl Transferrin / TIBC, ↓ Transferrin Saturation,  ↓
- ↓ Iron, ↑-nl Transferrin ... / TIBC, ↓ Transferrin ... - ↓ Iron, ↓-nl Transferrin ... / TIBC, ↓-nl Transferrin ... / TIBC, ↓ Transferrin
Complex Ascites on POCUS
62 yo F with rec dx colon CA s/p colectomy, liver cirrhosis w
Complex Ascites on POCUS ... Transferred to tertiary ... POCUS performed ... Complex #Ascites #POCUS
Algorithm for screening/diagnosis and treatment/follow‐up of iron deficiency in patients with chronic heart failure. Hb, haemoglobin;
Association; TSAT, transferrin
Non-invasive biomarkers for excessive alcohol use
Acute Alcohol Use Biomarkers:
 - Ethanol
 - Ethyl Glucuronide (EtG) and
Carbohydrate deficient transferrin
Subtypes of Serum Proteins

Pre-albumin (Transthyretin)
 • Alpha-1: Alpha-1 antitrypsin, Serum amyloid A, Ceruloplasmin, Corticosteroid-binding globulin (Transcortin),
microglobulin, Transferrin
For an elderly patient with multiple comorbidities it can be challenging to determine if their anemia
Algorithm #Ferritin #Transferrin
Iron Deficiency Anemia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Labs: Ferritin, iron, transferrin, TIBC, TSAT, sTfR

 • Blood loss:
Ferritin, iron, transferrin
Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA)
 • MCV/RBC - RBC ↓ in proportion to the ↓ in hemoglobin
Iron to which transferrin