8 results
Dynamic CT Myelograms can help identify the source of spinal CSF Leaks. 
1. Place a sponge
position prone Trendelenburg ... CTMyelogram #Myelogram #CSFLeak
Approach to Cuff Leak Test and Laryngeal Edema
A new joint practice guideline by the ATS and
#CriticalCare #CuffLeak
Trendelenburg Gait: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Skeletal Pathology of the Hip
 • Arthritis
 • Congenital hip dysplasia
Trendelenburg Gait ... Hip surgery Trendelenburg ... over the hip #Trendelenburg
Clinical features of varicose vein disease and Trendelenburg Brodie test for venous valve competence
Varicose veins result
vein disease and Trendelenburg
ECMO circuit chatter - rhythmic pulsations in the drainage catheter/tubing leading to the pump
CHATTER occurs when
Restrict the cuff leak test to high-risk patients
The absence of a cuff leak increases the likelihood
#Criticalcare #CuffLeak
Post Proning Nursing Checklist
 - Check ETT/tracheostomy is accessible/not kinked (ETT cm at teeth …..)
positioning (Reverse Trendelenburg
Trendelenburg Test for Hip Stability

The Trendelenburg test assesses for hip stability
The examiner sits behind the patient
Trendelenburg Test ... Stability The Trendelenburg ... considered a positive Trendelenburg ... open_michigan #Trendelenburg