6 results
Maps of the geographic distribution of visceral leishmaniasis (VL)

#visceral #leishmaniasis #VL #maps #distribution #geography #endemic #areas
leishmaniasis (VL ... leishmaniasis #VL
Natural History of HIV Infection - Timeline of Progression
 • Viral Transmission → High VL (steady
Transmission → High VL ... Chronic: • Stable VL
Protected Airway Intubation Pre-Brief Checklist - COVID19

2. PPE: Extended gloves, BLUE gown, N95, face
ventilations, RSI, use VL
Airway Intubation Checklist
GATHER/TEST EQUIPMENT: NC, BVM + PEEP Valve, Free flowing IV, EKG, SpO2 monitor, ETT
o Repeat DL/VL
Airway Intubation Checklist
GATHER/TEST EQUIPMENT: NC, BVM + PEEP Valve, Free flowing IV, EKG, SpO2 monitor, ETT
o Repeat DL/VL
Cutaneous Mucormycosis Eschar
30 M HIV cd4 10 VL 30k traumatic injury of arm few months ago
30 M HIV cd4 10 VL