3102 results
IUD and Pregnancy on Pelvic Ultrasound
Early gestational sac seen on trans-abdominal, transverse view.  However, is
Pregnancy on Pelvic Ultrasound ... less than a week that ... ve seen this...what ... Pregnancy #Pelvic #Ultrasound
Severe Hydronephrosis on POCUS

Be sure to add color doppler to your images to ensure that what
images to ensure that ... what you're seeing ... and not anything that ... #POCUS #Renal #Ultrasound
Moderate Hydronephrosis on POCUS

Be sure to add color doppler to your images to ensure that what
images to ensure that ... what you're seeing ... and not anything that ... #POCUS #Renal #Ultrasound
Mild Hydronephrosis on POCUS

Be sure to add color doppler to your images to ensure that what
images to ensure that ... what you're seeing ... and not anything that ... #POCUS #Renal #Ultrasound
Corrigan's Pulse seen on Carotid / Jugular Ultrasound

You’re preparing to put in an IJ central line
Carotid / Jugular Ultrasound ... see this on your ultrasound ... What underlying ... What might you observe ... POCUS #Clinical #Ultrasound
The fourth pattern includes abnormalities that result in decreased lung attenuation or air-filled lesions.
These include:
- Emphysema
abnormalities that ... Emphysema #SignetRing #RadiologyAssistant
Chest XRay Consolidation Pattern - Differential Algorithm #Diagnosis #Radiology #Pulmonary #CXR #Consolidation #Pattern #Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
Chest XRay Interstitial Pattern - Differential Algorithm #Diagnosis #Radiology #Pulmonary #CXR #Interstitial #Pattern #Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
Urination on Fetal Ultrasound

Lest we forget, here is a vivid reminder that amniotic fluid is predominantly
Urination on Fetal Ultrasound ... vivid reminder that ... Urine #Urination #Ultrasound
The PA-film shows a silhouette sign of the left heart border.
Even without looking at the lateral
film, we know, that ... SilhouetteSign #RadiologyAssistant