1302 results
#facial aging #aesthetic medicine #dermal fillers #facial fat pads #wrinkles #skin aging #nasolabial folds #tear trough
#facial aging #aesthetic ... facial fat pads #wrinkles
#facial aging #aesthetic medicine #dermal fillers #facial fat pads #wrinkles #skin aging #nasolabial folds #tear trough
#facial aging #aesthetic ... facial fat pads #wrinkles
Sclerodactyly: Diffuse thickening of the skin on the hands, in this case due to Scleroderma. 
loss of normal wrinkles
Malignant Hyperthermia is a very rare, but life-threatening condition that can occur after using certain anesthetic
using certain anesthetic ... other volatile anesthetic ... diagnosis #management #treatment ... Diagnosis and treatment
Hypertension in Anesthesiology - Differential Diagnosis and Management 

Initial checklist: 
 - Verify BP (e.g. surgeon
Check sources of anesthetic ... vaporizer) Initial treatment ... - Increase anesthetic
Bilateral LMN palsy with tongue weakness, wasting and fasciculations.  →  Bulbar motor Neuron disease

disease Note the wrinkled
Intravenous Lipid Emulsion (ILE) Therapy

ILE is a treatment for severe toxicity from local anesthetics. In addition,
Therapy ILE is a treatment ... toxicity from local anesthetics
Hypotension in Anesthesiology - Differential Diagnosis and Management 

Initial checklist: 
 - Verify BP (e.g. surgeon
compression) Initial treatment ... Decrease or stop anaesthetic
Lidocaine HCl - sodium channel blocker. Local anesthetic and class 1B antiarrhythmic. Originally developed in 1943
Local anesthetic
Cardiac Arrest in Pregnancy In-Hospital ACLS Algorithm
Potential Etiology of Maternal Cardiac Arrest:
A - Anesthetic complications
B -
Cardiac Arrest: A - Anesthetic