7 results
Adult Onset Still's Disease - Yamaguchi Criteria
Major criteria:
 - Fever >= 39C lasting >= 1 weeks
Still's Disease - Yamaguchi ... polyarteritis nodosa #AdultOnset ... Stills #Disease #Yamaguchi
Deep T Wave Inversions - Differential
Normal variants 
  A. Juvenile T wave pattern
cardiomyopathy (Yamaguchi
Adult-Onset Still's Disease
Clinical triad: Fever, Arthralgia/arthritis, Skin rash ± odynophagia
+ Biological inflammation: Increased neutrophils, Hyperferritinemia, decreased
Prunelle Getten #AdultOnset
Adult-Onset Still's Disease (AOSD)
Rare inflammatory disorder of unknown etiology, difficult to diagnose because of heterogenous presentation.
BrighamChiefs #AdultOnset
Adult Onset Still's Disease
Systemic inflammation with urticarial rash.
 • Nonpruritic, evanescent (correlates with time of
Leukocytosis Diagnosis - Yamaguchi
Yamaguchi cardiomyopathy on Echocardiogram (A4C)

ECG has been stable for years, she only feels unwell when in
Yamaguchi cardiomyopathy ... @the_gelf #Yamaguchi
Yamaguchi cardiomyopathy on Electrocardiogram (EKG)
That time when a doctor tells you that you're "having a heart
Yamaguchi cardiomyopathy ... @the_gelf #Yamaguchi