5807 results
Effect of Anticoagulants on Coagulation Tests
PT / INR, aPTT, Anti-Xa Activity, Activated Clotting Time, Thrombin Time,
Rivaroxaban Apixaban ... Anticoagulation #Testing #Diagnosis
The coagulation cascade is shown, separated into different phases with their endogenous and pharmacological inhibitors shown.
clot #PT #PTT #diagnosis ... thrombin #inhibitor #Apixaban
Rectus Sheath Hematoma on POCUS
Older male on apixaban for treatment of DVT presents with abdominal pain
Older male on apixaban ... What is the diagnosis
Causes of Abnormal PT and/or aPTT
Prolonged Prothrombin Time (PT)
1. Acquired deficiency of FVII
- Rivaroxaban, apixaban ... Prolonged #Causes #diagnosis
Apixaban Dose Adjustments in Atrial Fibrillation - ABCDs

Age > 80 years 
Body Weight <60kg 
Creatinine >=
Apixaban Dose Adjustments ... 2.5 mg bid #Apixaban
Anticoagulant specific factor inhibition. 

#anticoagulation #clotting #INR #heparin #LMWH #NOAC #warfarin #coumadin #rivaroxaban  #Xarelto #apixaban
rivaroxaban #Xarelto #apixaban
Xa Inhibitors - Apixaban and Rivaroxaban 
Oral Xa inhibitors are recommended by CHEST as first-line for
Xa Inhibitors - Apixaban ... dosing schemes for apixaban ... #XaInhibitors #Apixaban
Choice of anticoagulant for treatment of pulmonary embolism
 • Malignancy - LMWH
 • To avoid parenteral
- Rivaroxaban; apixaban ... Gl bleed - VKA, apixaban
Warfarin and DOAC Pharmacology
Warfarin - Dabigatran - Rivaroxaban - Apixaban - Edoxaban
Target - Prodrug - Bioavailability
Rivaroxaban - Apixaban ... #rivaroxaban #apixaban
Oral anticoagulant dosing and bridging for VTE

- Dr. Joseph Shatzel @Clotmaster 

#VTE #DOAC #Bridging #Dosing #Oral
Anticoagulation #Dabigatran #Apixaban