11 results
Adrenal Insufficiency Expected Metabolic Abnormalities

Textbook changes in chemistry panel due to adrenal insufficiency. 
Of course, "textbook"
Textbook changes in chemistry ... Abnormalities #Chemistry
Liver Chemistry Tests - AST, ALT, Alkaline Phosphatase and Bilirubin Metabolism
AST and ALT:
 • AST: liver
Liver Chemistry ... HershShroff #Liver #Chemistry
Classes of opioids grouped by chemical structure and risk of cross reactivity.

#opioid #classes #chemical #chemistry #classification
classes #chemical #chemistry
Liver Chemistries - Interpretation of LFTs

R-value: Serum (ALT/ULN ALT) / (Alk phos/ULN ALP)
 • R >
Hemolysis #liver #chemistry
Severe Asthma Algorithm - Management of Life-Threatening Asthma in the Emergency Department
Step One
1. Nebulized Albuterol
2. Nebulized
CBC, chemistry,
Diagnosing Brucellosis
Epidemiological Exposures
- Endemic Regions
- Clinical Micro Lab Technicians
- Animal/Vaccine Exposure: Vets, Slaughterhouse workers, hunters
- Unpasteurized
Tests: - CBC + Chemistry
Urine chemistry tests for the diagnostic evaluation of a patient with polyuria
UOsm <100 mOsm/Kg (H2O diuresis)
Urine chemistry
Lactic acid was first found & described in sour milk by Karl Wilhelm Scheele in 1780.
German physician–chemist
Rheumatology Workup - Laboratories Studies in Rheumatic Diseases

• Septic arthritis - Gram stain and culture of
CCP antibody • Chemistry ... Thyroid testing • Chemistry
Statins & Recommendations:

Word Cholesterol came from Cholesterine, named by French chemist Michel E. Chevreul (‘solid bile’
named by French chemist