13 results
Anorexia Nervosa: Pathogenesis and Risk Factors
Biological Risk Factors
 • Gender: F > M
 • Genetics: concordance
Neurobiology: disruptions ... athletics) #AnorexiaNervosa
Causes of Petechial Rash - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Pinpoint areas (less than 2 mm) of hemorrhage, which
factor function • Disruptions
SIESTA - Sleep for Inpatients Mnemonic
S - Screening for sleep disorders 
I - Instruct patients on
unnecessary sleep disruptions
Purpura - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Non-blanchable, dark red to purple, hemorrhagic skin lesions that result from leakage
occlusion • Disruptions
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)
Pathophysiology: Triggering factor (infection,...)→Activation of CD8 T cells (IFN-y) → Excessive activation of macrophages
macrophages that disrupts
MARSIPAN  (Management of the Really Sick Patient with Anorexia Nervosa) Guidelines #Management #EM #PrimaryCare #MARSIPAN
PrimaryCare #MARSIPAN #AnorexiaNervosa
A quick infographic on the importance of sun protection and the various results of sun damage
Blue light disrupts
The crusade against “Ab”Normal Saline continues.  This is a non-physiologic fluid that can harm our
It disrupts the
Fracture Healing (and disruptors of this process)
Inflammatory Stage (0-7d)
 • Fracture disrupts local blood vessels ->
Fracture Healing (and disruptors ... ) • Fracture disrupts ... pathophysiology #diagnosis #disruptors
Causes of COVIDー19 ICU delirium
Restricted Visitation
 • Family Disconnected
 • Sense of Isolation
 • Disorientation
PICS and PICS-F Disruptions