13 results
Venous Air Embolism / Entrapment

#Venous #AirEmbolism #Entrapment #VAE #anesthesiology #complications #pathophysiology #anesthesia
Air Embolism / Entrapment ... #Venous #AirEmbolism ... #Entrapment #VAE
Pudendal Neuralgia
• Pudendal nerve arises from S2-S4 roots and innervates perineal structures
• Nerve is prone to
Nerve is prone to entrapment
Oxygen Delivery by Device

Nasal Cannula 
• Indicated for low-flow, low-percentage supplemental oxygen. 
• Flow rate of
flaps prevent entrainment
Diplopia - Double Vision - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Clinical Pearls:
 • Diplopia is almost always binocular.
- Restriction/Entrapment
Leg Pain - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Bone/Joint Causes of Leg Pain:
 • Fracture
 • Arthritis
 • Gout/pseudogout
• Sural nerve entrapment
Chronic Abdominal Pain Causes - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Many patients with chronic abdominal pain have had prior
cutaneous nerve entrapment
Acute limb ischemia (ALI)

Rapid decrease in lower limb blood flow due to acute occlusion of peripheral
disease, popliteal entrapment
Extra-articular and Other Conditions Associated with Joint Pain

  • Iritis or uveitis - Spondyloarthropathies, Sarcoidosis,
Neurologic system • Entrapment
Rare Causes of Abdominal Pain
 • Hereditary Angioneurotic Edema - Recurrent visceral that may by swelling
cutaneous nerve entrapment
Tinel's Test of the Ulnar Nerve

Perform a Tinel's at the cubital tunnel by percussing the ulnar
irritation or entrapment ... #orthopedics #entrapment