674 results
Faltering growth in children: summary of NICE guidance #Screening #Management #Peds #PrimaryCare #Underweight #Infants #FalteringGrowth #FailureToThrive
Faltering growth
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome (HPS) Diagnosis Algorithm
Bubble echo is the first piece of the puzzle. The nail on
Diagnosis Algorithm Bubble ... the same way on bubble
Pleural effusion is not always visible as a meniscus in the costophrenic angle. 
A subpulmonic effusion
between the stomach bubble ... radiograph, the stomach bubble ... the stomach air bubble ... Clinical #Radiology #CXR
In this case the chest x-ray shows subtle findings that could be described as fine reticulation.
chest x-ray shows subtle ... Notice the subtle ... Clinical #Radiology #CXR
ASD on Bubble Contrast Echocardiogram (a4c)
A patient with an anterior STEMI (take a look at the
ASD on Bubble Contrast ... #defect #ASD #Bubble
Nephron Physiology
 - Proximal Convoluted Tubule
 - Thick Ascending Limb
 - Distal Convoluted Tubule
 - Ion
Proximal Convoluted Tubule ... Distal Convoluted Tubule ... in Collecting Tubule ... in Collecting Tubule
Localization of Renal Tubular Defects
Fanconi Syndrome: Proximal tubule
Bartter Syndrome: Thick ascending loop of Henle
Gitelman Syndrome: Distal
Syndrome: Proximal tubule ... Distal convoluted tubule ... Syndrome: Collecting tubule
Surviving Sepsis 1-Hour Bundle - Initial Resuscitation for Sepsis and Septic Shock 

#SurvivingSepsis #1Hour #OneHour #Bundle
Sepsis 1-Hour Bundle ... #1Hour #OneHour #Bundle
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome on Echocardiogram (A4C)
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome: Intrapulmonary shunting is most commonly demonstrated by contrast TTE when
contrast TTE when bubbles ... Echocardiogram #A4C #bubble
Estimated Medical Radiation Doses for 5 Year-Old Child

3-view ankle	0.0015 mSv	1/14th CXRs
2-view chest	0.02 mSv	1 CXRs
Anteroposterior and lateral
0.0015 mSv 1/14th CXRs ... chest 0.02 mSv 1 CXRs ... scan 6.2 mSv 310 CXRs ... scan 15.3 mSv 765 CXRs ... through 1 mSv 50 CXRs