2229 results
Rapidly Growing Mycobacterial Infections

 • Mycobacterium abscessus - Is the most pathogenic and the most likely
Rapidly Growing ... TheIDtrivia #Rapidly #Growing ... Mycobacterium #diagnosis #differential
Lymphomas and Lymphoproliferative Disorders - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Hodgkin Lymphoma ~40% - Characteristic For Reed-Sternberg (RS) Cells
Lymphoproliferative Disorders - Differential ... Low Grade - Slow growing ... Intermediate - Faster growing ... Diagnosis #NonHodgkin #differential
Bronchiectasis - Summary

• Bronchiectasis is derived from the Greek words bronckos meaning airway and ectasis meaning
Sputum cultures growing ... Bronchiectasis #pulmonary #differential
Antibiotic Sensitivities
Note that this chart is one of empiric bacterial sensitivities. However, with time antibiotic resistance
resistance has become a growing ... some bacteria growing
#Assessment, #management and #prevention of exacerbations are anticipated to change significantly in the future. As described,
be resolved by grouping
Keeping up with Atypical Antipsychotics (aka second generation antipsychotics - SGA). I'll be posting series of
their names by grouping
Sydenham Chorea on Physical Exam

Milkmaid's grip sign seen with hand gripping.

#Milkmaids #Sydenham #Chorea #PhysicalExam #milking #sign
seen with hand gripping
Clamp Types - Common Surgical Instruments
Also called locking forceps, these are ratcheted instruments used to hold
similar function for grasping ... both are used for grasping
Salter-Harris Classification
Salter-Harris Fractures involve the physis and cartilaginous epiphyseal plate near the ends of the long
bones in still growing
Multiple masses
The differential diagnostic list of multiple masses is very long.
The most important diagnoses are listed
Multiple masses The differential ... is difficult to differentiate ... Multiple #Massess #Differential