7193 results
Classic Findings During Hallpike Test in Posterior Canal Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
 • Latency (delay
vertigo once in head-hanging ... symptoms in head-hanging ... escalates in head-hanging ... fatigability) #dixhallpike
#Renal Potassium Handling
Renal Potassium Handling
Safe Living After Transplant: Animal & Pet Safety Risks
Lower ← → Higher Infection Risk
 • Dogs:
diagnosis #txid #risk #handling
Talus Fracture on POCUS
Athlete with hard landing on one foot, pain and tenderness over dorsum of
Athlete with hard landing ... Fracture #POCUS #clinical
Dix-Hallpike Maneuver for BPPV

1. Make the patient sit on examination table, such that the shoulders would
with the head hanging ... Dix #Hallpike #DixHallpike
Basics of Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)
 - What is EUS
 - Types of Endoscopes
 - Indications for
Maneuverability - Scope Handling
Endoscopy - Management of Bleeding Esophageal Varices 
What to Band?
 - Always find the varix that
EGD and the Banding ... - After banding ... time with the banding ... not blanch after banding ... endoscopy #egd #banding
External Ventricular Drain (EVD) Troubleshooting for Neurosurgery Residents

Low Hanging Fruit
 • Has the system become disconnected
Residents Low Hanging
Lemierre’s Syndrome - Pathophysiology

Lemierre’s is an infectious thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein.

 - It starts
throughout the body, landing
Tympanic Membrane during Valsalva - Otoscopy
By plugging our noses and blowing to unclog our ears, what
, such as when landing ... Valsalva #Otoscopy #clinical