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Infectious causes of eosinophilia

By Dr. Hawra Al-Lawati @hawraallawati via Febrile [febrilepodcast.com]
#ID  #Infectious Diseases  #Infections
fever #febrile #helminths
#helminths #nematodes #roundworms #flatworms #trematodes #cestodes #tapeworms
#ID  #InfectiousDiseases  #Infections
#Microbiology #Micro
#Differential #Ddx #Diagnosis
#stool #stoolO&P #eggs

#helminths #nematodes
Clasificación de helmintos

#parasites  #helmintos  #parasitology  #CEM  #medstudent
Clasificación de helmintos ... #parasites #helmintos
Hypereosinophilia Different Diagnosis and Workup
Secondary causes are broad so start with a med review, the most
Outside the US, helminth
Linear Rash in the Returning Traveler - Differential Diagnosis
 • Cutaneous larva migrans
 • Scabies (Sarcoptes
burrows) • Creeping helminthic
Eosinophils (Eos) and hypereosinophilia (HE)
Caused by eosinophilopoietic cytokines
Common causes:
 - Drug reaction
 - Helminth infection
Drug reaction - Helminth
Onchocerciasis “River Blindness”: Pathogenesis and Ocular Manifestations
Vectorial Transmission
-> Onchocerca volvulus, a parasitic helminth, matures in to
volvulus, a parasitic helminth
Differential Diagnosis of Pulmonary Eosinophilia
 • Helminthic: Loffler syndrome (Ascaris, hookworm, Strongyloides), Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia (lymphatic
Infection: • Helminthic
Eosinophilia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Idiopathic Eosinophilia
Primary Eosinophilia:
 • Primary hypereosinophilic syndrome
 • Eosinophilic Leukemia
Loeffler syndrome, Helminths
Basophilia - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Basophils < 1% of the total white blood cell count
Basophils function similarly
Infections: • helminth