12 results
Magic Mouthwash Ingredients for Mucositis
Magic Mouthwash Recipe 1 (Disp: 480 ml)
 • 80 ml viscous lidocaine
Magic Mouthwash Ingredients ... Magic #Mouthwash #Ingredients ... #pharmacology #compounding
With the recent publication of the FDA Guidance on alcohol-based hand sanitizer compounding, I thought to
hand sanitizer compounding ... #Coronavirus #Compounding
B-52 Chemical Sedation Cocktail in Severe Agitation
 • Benadryl 50 mg (Diphenhydramine) +
 • 5 mg
Severe Agitation Ingredients ... Agitation #psychiatry #ingredients
Pelvis Insufficiency fractures
 - Back pain consistently one of the top three most common ER chief
comorbidities confounding
Clinical diagnosis of Alcoholic Hepatitis (AH)
 • Onset of jaundice within prior 8 weeks
 • Ongoing
/dL Potential confounding
Events Resulting from Acute Insulin Deficiency in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

If left untreated, insulin deficiency may
have additive or confounding
Clinical Diagnosis of Autoimmune Hepatitis
 - Onset of jaundice within prior 8 weeks
 - Ongoing consumption
/dL Potential confounding
USMLE Epidemiology and Biostatistics Summary
Meta-Analysis: pools data from several studies (greater power), limited by quality/bias of
Issues with confounding ... increased survival Confounding
GI Cocktail (Pink Lady) Ingredients
 • 30cc Mylanta / Maalox (aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, simethicone) +
Cocktail (Pink Lady) Ingredients ... #GI #Cocktail #Ingredients
Orthopedic Splints, Casts, Plasters, Traction and Frames
Upper Limb and Spine 
& SLAB: Active ingredient