7192 results
Facial Swelling from Hereditary Angioedema on Physical Examination

19 year old Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) patient from Turkey.
genitals, and larynx ... Hereditary #Angioedema #clinical
Clinical manifestations of anaphylaxis. 
Neurological (<15%): Dizziness, syncope, seizures, Confusion, impending doom. headache
Angioedema: Lips, tongue, orbit,
Clinical manifestations ... tongue, orbit, larynx
Vocal Cord Palsy on POCUS
Patient with vocal changes since cervical spine surgery with right anterior approach.
paralysis #POCUS #clinical ... #ultrasound #larynx
Laryngomalacia on Laryngoscopy

Laryngomalacia is a flaccidity of an area of ​​the throat (supraglottic larynx) that causes
(supraglottic larynx ... #bronchoscopy #clinical
Laryngeal Ultrasound - Vocal Cords while talking on POCUS

What was the most likely indication for this
POCUS #Talking #Larynx ... #clinical #Transverse
Caustic Injury to the Esophagus after Disinfectant Ingestion

Do NOT consume disinfectants in an attempt to kill
your oesophagous/larynx ... Disinfectants #Clinical
Larynx and Thyroid Nerves - Innervation Anatomy

By @rev.med

#Larynx #Thyroid #Nerves #Innervation #Anatomy #otolaryngology
Larynx and Thyroid ... By @rev.med #Larynx
Larynx and Thyroid Anatomy - Arterial Blood Supply

By @rev.med

#Larynx #Thyroid #Anatomy #Arterial #Blood #Supply #Arteries
Larynx and Thyroid ... By @rev.med #Larynx
Larynx and Thyroid Anatomy - Blood and Nerve Supply

By @rev.med

#Larynx #Thyroid #Anatomy #Blood #Nerves #Innervation #otolaryngology
Larynx and Thyroid ... By @rev.med #Larynx
Rare Causes of Abdominal Pain
 • Hereditary Angioneurotic Edema - Recurrent visceral that may by swelling
genitals, face, lips, larynx ... incisional hernias: clinical