6 results
Beautiful acanthocytes/spur cells in a patient with McLeod Syndrome. X-linked disorder characterized by reduced expression of
Beautiful acanthocytes ... @MoravekMD #acanthocytes ... McLeod #Syndrome #Smear
The arrows point to blister cells. These cells are thought to be precursors of helmet cells.
also shows an acanthocyte ... BloodSmear #Blood #Smear
Spur-Cell Anemia- A 31-year-old man with a history of cirrhosis, recurrent hepatic encephalopathy, and anemia presented
peripheral-blood smear ... showed numerous acanthocytes ... Acanthocytes are ... peripheral #blood #smear
Schistocytes can assume a shape resembling natural or man-made objects such as arrowheads, fish, collar buttons,
, a spur cell (acanthocyte ... BloodSmear #Blood #Smear
Polychromatophilia - Note 2 large blue-gray erythrocytes as seen on H&E stain. On a stain for
right photo an acanthocyte ... BloodSmear #Blood #Smear
Several artifacts can cause significant and potentially misleading alterations to measured RBC parameters: 
1. Old samples
Lipemia causes a ... Poikilocytosis #CabotRings #Acanthocytes