40 results
Fasciola hepatica - Liver Fluke Life Cycle - Fascioliasis 
Ruminants are the typical definitive hosts.
1) Unembroynated
Fasciola #hepatica #LiverFluke ... #LifeCycle #diagnosis
Clonorchis sinensis (Chinese or oriental liver fluke) Life Cycle

The trematode Clonorchis sinensis (Chinese or oriental liver
Clonorchis #sinensis #liverfluke ... #LifeCycle #Parasite
COVID-19 Life Cycle

#COVID19 #LifeCycle #Timeline #Pathophysiology #Diagnosis
Cycle #COVID19 #LifeCycle
Simplified Representation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Viral Lifecycle and Potential Drug Targets

SARS-CoV-2) Viral Lifecycle ... COVID19 #JAMA #Lifecycle
A schematic life cycle of Plasmodium vivax

#Plasmodium #vivax #LifeCycle #Malaria #Diagnosis #InfectiousDiseases
Plasmodium #vivax #LifeCycle
Plasmodium falciparum life cycle
1: Mosquito bite, transmission of sporozoite
2: Liver, Asexual replication. 1 sporozoite → 10-30,000
Plasmodium #falciparum #lifecycle
Leishmaniasis Life Cycle
1) Sandfly takes a blood meal (injects promastigote stage into the skin)
Human Stages:
2) Promastigotes
Leishmaniasis #LifeCycle
Strongyloides fuelleborni Lifecycle
Free-Living Cycle
1) Eggs containing rhabditiform larvae passed in feces.
2) Rhabditiform larvae hatch in environment.
Strongyloides fuelleborni Lifecycle ... #fuelleborni #LifeCycle
Echinococcus Life Cycle
1) Adult in small intestine eggs
2) Embryonated egg in feces
3) Oncosphere hatches; penetrates intestinal
#Echinococcus #LifeCycle
Strongyloides Stercoralis Lifecycle
Free-Living Cycle:
1) Rhabditiform larvae in the intestine are excreted in stool. 
2) Development into
Strongyloides Stercoralis Lifecycle ... #stercoralis #LifeCycle