812 results
A Pediculus humanus (louse) nymph. 
Specimen was alive and in the video you can actually see
Pediculus humanus (louse ... richdavisphd #louse
Bell’s Palsy: Treatment and House-Brackmann grading for severity of facial nerve weakness
#Diagnosis #Management #Bells #Palsy #Treatment
Treatment and House-Brackmann ... Palsy #Treatment #House
TABLE 2. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) sub-classifications
lBS-diarrhoea (IBS-D)
 - >25% loose or watery stools; <25% hard
IBS-D) - >25% loose ... lumpy stools; <25% loose ... IBS-M) - >25% loose ... by increasingly loose ... IBS-U) - <25% loose
Diabetes Pathophysiology and Medication Targets

The ominous octet is one concept that summarizes the different pathophysiologic pathways
Diabetes Pathophysiology ... the different pathophysiologic ... #Diabetes #Pathophysiology
Cephalosporin Coverage by Generation - HENPECKS Mnemonic
1st Gen: PEK (Proteus, E. coli, Klebsiella)
2nd Gen: HNPEK (Add
Acinetobacter; Lose ... HENPECKS (Add MRSA; Lose
Low Ankle Sprain: Pathomechanics and Clinical Findings

Grading Ligament Sprains
l: Minimal ligament disruption, mild swelling & tenderness,
• Osteophytes, loose ... Grades #Diagnosis #pathophysiology
SCALP Anatomy Layers Mnemonic
S - Skin
C - Connective tissue
A - Aponeurosis
L - Loose areolar tissue
P -
Aponeurosis L - Loose
Aortic Man - Mnemonic for Signs in Aortic Regurgitation
Light house sign
De Musset's sign
Water hammer pulse
Landolfi's sign,
Regurgitation Light house
Maculopapular - Diagnostic Algorithm
- Catch-all term with a wide range of potential pathophysiologic mechanisms and causative
Diagnostic Algorithm Pathophysiology ... range of potential pathophysiologic ... - Pathophysiology
NSTEMI Type2 Demand Ischemia Pathophysiology

#NSTEMI #Type2 #TypeII #Demand #Ischemia #Pathophysiology #Cardiology
Demand Ischemia Pathophysiology ... Demand #Ischemia #Pathophysiology