5 results
Moebius syndrome #moebius #syndrome #facialparalysis #congenitaldisorder
Moebius syndrome ... #moebius #syndrome
Trendelenburg Gait: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Skeletal Pathology of the Hip
 • Arthritis
 • Congenital hip dysplasia
tears of gluteus medius
Thyroid Eye Signs 
Lid Signs
    Dalrymple’s Sign: Lid Retraction.
Muscle Signs Möbius
Polycythemia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Polycythemia itself isn’t a diagnosis. Like many things, it is a condition
about common co-morbids
Trendelenburg Test for Hip Stability

The Trendelenburg test assesses for hip stability
The examiner sits behind the patient
indicating the gluteus medius