57 results
Bleeding manifestations 
Petechiae are small, flat, red, discrete areas of skin bleeding that are typically <2
They are non-blanching ... , nonpalpable, and ... thrombocytopenia #Hematomas #blanching
Petechial/Purpuric Rashes- THE ALGORITHMIC APPROACH 

These rashes can be especially challenging and are
associated with devastating differential
palpable versus nonpalpable ... Nonpalpable purpura ... toxicity but with nonpalpable ... vasculitis; those with nonpalpable ... Rash #Algorithm #Nonpalpable
Blanching Spider Angioma (Nevus) on Physical Exam

#Spider #Angioma #nevus #telangiectasia #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #dermatology #skin #blanching
Blanching Spider ... dermatology #skin #blanching
Causes of Purpura - Differential Diagnosis
Disruption in Vascular Integrity: 
 • Trauma, Infection, Vasculitis, Drug induced
BrighamChiefs #Purpura #nonpalpable
Gram Stain - Bacteria Identification Algorithm
Gram Positive:
 • Rods: Oxidase+, Oxidase-, Fastidious, Anaerobic, Curved
 • Cocci:
Negative: • Rods: Branching
Petechiae: punctate spots that arise from spontaneous bleeding secondary to profound thrombocytopenia. 
The spots (easily visible
are flat, non-blanching
Causes of Purpura - Differential Diagnosis
Non-PalpabIe → Palpable
 • Thrombocytopenia (HIT, ITP/HUS), Coagulation defects (DIC, warfarin
BrighamChiefs #Purpura #nonpalpable
Hilar enlargement
The table summarizes the causes of hilar enlargement.
Normal hili are:
- Normal in position - left
density - Normal branching
Nocardia on Culture and Respiratory Microscopy
 - Gram stain from plate culture: classic beaded, branching GPR
classic beaded, branching
Morphology and Descriptions of Fungal Infections with Hyphae or Pseudohyphae in Tissues
Yeasts with Pseudohyphae: 
Description: acute angle branching ... with right angle branching