93 results
Functions of the Liver


#Pathophysiology #Functions #Liver #Hepatology #Synthesis #Storage #Metabolism
Metabolism Synthesis ... Liver #Hepatology #Synthesis
Steroid Synthesis Pathway

Dr. Caoimhe Costigan @CaoimheCostigan

#Steroid #Synthesis #pathophysiology #algorithm #endocrinology
Steroid Synthesis ... CaoimheCostigan #Steroid #Synthesis
The Pathway of Heme Synthesis, Showing Pathway Intermediates and End-Product Regulation by Heme #Pathophys #Honc #Heme
Pathway of Heme Synthesis ... Pathophys #Honc #Heme #Synthesis
Steroid Synthesis Pathway

(OH, hydroxy; HSD, hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone; pink, common enzymes affecting CAH, purple –
Steroid Synthesis ... CaoimheCostigan #Steroid #Synthesis
Heme Synthesis Pathway
1. ALA Synthase
2. ALA Dehydratase
3. Porphobilinogen deaminase
4. UP Ill Synthase
5. UP Ill Decarboxylase
6. Coproporphyrinogen
Heme Synthesis Pathway ... JamesCaoMD #Heme #Synthesis
Vitamin deficiency causes clinical disease
Vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy.  Vitamin C is important for the
required for the synthesis ... Catecholamine #Synthesis
Arachidonic acid pathway and drugs which affect it.

#Pharmacology #Pathophysiology #ArachidonicAcid #Pathways #COX #Prostaglandins #Prostacyclins #Leukotrienes #Synthesis

#Leukotrienes #Synthesis
Factor VIII synthesis - Normal, Haemophilia A and Von Willebrand Disease

Normal - vWF carrier protein protects
Factor VIII synthesis ... A - Defective synthesis ... #FactorVIII #synthesis
Acute-phase Reactants Synthesized in the Liver 
Positive acute-phase reactants (concentrations increase with acute inflammation)
 - Immune-related
Synthesized #Liver #Synthesis
Synchysis Scintillans (cholesterolosis bulbi) on Slit Lamp Ocular Examination

Polychromatic crystals are observed in the anterior chamber
Synchysis Scintillans ... @oftalmopo #Synchysis