7187 results
This trichobezoar was extracted from a teenage patient with trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder) & trichophagia (compulsive hair-eating).
hair-pulling disorder) & trichophagia ... #trichobezoar #bezoar ... #clinical #video ... trichotillomania #trichophagia
Trichobezoar on Endoscopy
13 years old.  Vomiting since 1 year with hair loss and abdominal lump.
#Trichobezoar #bezoar ... Endoscopy #EGD #clinical
Chemotherapy Toxicity Bear Mnemonic - Cumulatively Toxic Drugs and their Rescues
 • Asparagine: neurotoxicity
 • Cisplatin:
Chemotherapy Toxicity Bear ... Chemotherapy #Toxicity #Bear
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Femoral Head Fracture: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 • Posterior hip dislocation -> Impaction force from femoral
Pathogenesis and clinical ... Inability to weight-bear
Orthopedic Essentials - Spinal Trauma and Spine Classification 
Anterior column:
able to weight bear ... Unable to weight bear
Mastoiditis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Acute or Chronic Otitis Media -> 
Stage 1: Hyperemeia of the mastoid
Pathogenesis and clinical ... mastoid tip -> Bezold