173 results
Criteria for LBBB and RBBB #Diagnosis #Cardiology #EKG #ECG #RBBB #LBBB #Table #Criteria
Criteria for LBBB ... ECG #RBBB #LBBB #Table ... #Criteria
Candidates for Medical Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy with Methotrexate 
 - Hemodynamically stable 
 - No
Hemodynamically stable ... cardiac activity on ultrasound ... Pregnancy #Management #Criteria
Algorithm in Suspected Bacterial Peritonitis

 - Infographic by IDagram

Runyon Criteria for Secondary Peritonitis (two of the
ID_agram Runyon Criteria ... Peritonitis (two of the following ... Secondary #Runyon #Criteria
Flowchart to interpreting pleural fluid analysis using Light's criteria and based on the British Thoracic Society
using Light's criteria ... medical diagrams, tables ... interpretation #lights #criteria
Kawasaki Disease

Diagnostic criteria: 5-day fever PLUS four of the following…
Bilateral conjunctivitis
Cervical lymph
Disease Diagnostic criteria ... PLUS four of the following
Migraine without Aura
Diagnostic Criteria (ICHD-3):
A) At least 5 attacks fulfilling criteria B-D:
B) Headache attacks lasting 4-72
Aura Diagnostic Criteria ... attacks fulfilling criteria ... least two of the following ... least one of the following ... Aura #diagnosis #criteria
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) Criteria - Definitions of Sepsis, Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock

Systemic Inflammatory
Syndrome (SIRS) Criteria ... or more of the following ... criteria: 1 Heart ... #Definitions #Criteria
Anti-infective stewardship, including tips for using anti-infectives wisely, criteria for stepdown from IV to PO dosage
anti-infectives wisely, criteria ... #medications #table
Point-of-care lung ultrasound for diagnosis of Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia: notes from the field
Table 3: Description of
Point-of-care lung ultrasound ... from the field Table ... Description of lung ultrasound
Diagnostic criteria for diabetes flowchart. Visit gramproject.com for more medical diagrams, tables and flowcharts for use
Diagnostic criteria ... medical diagrams, tables