Balanced Crystalloids vs. NormalSaline - My infographic about SALT-ED and SMART trial comparing crystalloids and saline for the critically and noncritically ill patients.

SALT-ED - Balanced Crystalloids versus Saline in Noncritically Ill Adults 
- No difference in hospital-free days between treatment with BC and NS. 
- Stage 2 AKI patients or those with borderline renal failure or hyperchloremia had the largest benefit from balanced crystalloids. 
March 1, 2018 N Engl J Med 2018; 378:819-828

SMART - Balanced Crystalloids versus Saline in Critically Ill Adults 
 - The use of balanced crystalloids resulted in a lower rate of MAKE30 than the use of saline. 
 - The largest benefit appears to be in the septic subset of patients with a NNT of 20. 
March 1, 2018 N Engl J Med 2018; 378:829-839

#SALTED #SMART #Balanced #Crystalloids #Saline #AKI #VisualAbstract #LR #EBM #Nephrology 
Tommaso Scquizzato @tscquizzato · 7 years ago
Researcher in the fields of Cardiac Arrest, Resuscitation Medicine and Critical Care | Medical student | Software developer |
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