Peripheral Signs of Aortic Regurgitation

Corrigan sign	Prominent carotid and supraclavicular pulsations
Alfred de Musset sign	Head nodding with heart beat
Landolfi sign	Change in pupil size with heart beat
Muller sign	Uvula pulsation
Becker sign	Retinal artery pulsations
Rosenbach sign	Liver pulsations
Gerhardt sign	Spleen pulsations
Quincke sign	Digital capillary pulsations
Lighthouse sign	Blanching and flushing of the forehead
Traube sign	Pistol shot—systolic and diastolic booming sound over femoral artery
Duroziez sign	Intermittent to and fro femoral artery systolic and diastolic murmur generated by light compression with the bell of a stethoscope
Hill sign	Lower limb systolic BP exceeding upper limb systolic BP by more than 20 mm Hg
Water-Hammer pulse	High volume abruptly collapsing pulse
Mayne sign	Diastolic BP drop of >15 mm Hg with arm raised
Lincoln sign	Pulsatile popliteal
Sherman sign	Dorsalispedis pulse unexpectedly prominent in age >75 years

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