Giant Cell (Temporal) Arteritis: Pathogenesis and investigations
Risk Factors:
 - Unclear environmental triggers (may be viral, not proven)
 - Genetic abnormalities (i.e. HLA-DR4 mutation) that alter inflammatory cytokine expression
 - Age: GCA is almost never seen in patients < 50 yrs old; F>M
 - Fever
 - High serum CRP. ESR
 - Thrombocytosis 
 - Normocytic Anemia
 - Giant cells seen on biopsy 
 - Vessels will be enlarged, usually painful to palpation
 - Vasculitic skin lesions
 - Muscle-soreness (associated with Polymyalgia Rheumatica)
 - Focal neurological findings

#GiantCell #Temporal #Arteritis #Pathophysiology #Diagnosis #Signs #Symptoms #Vasculitis 
The Calgary Guide to Understanding Disease @TheCalgaryGuide · 4 years ago
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