Takayasu’s Arteritis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

 - Fatigue, weight loss, low grade fever, arthralgias
 - Incr ESR, CRP, WBC
 - Aortic aneurysm (with potential for aortic regurgitation), other arterial aneurysms
 - Visual Dysfunction 
 - Orthostasis, Syncope, Headache, Convulsions, TIA/Stroke
 - Angina, Incr risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome
 - >10mmHg systolic pressure difference between arms
 - Abdominal Pain
 - Arm/Leg Claudication (pain with use)
 - Decr palpable pulses in limbs, Often asymmetrical (common)
 - Ischemic Skin Ulcers
 - Bruit (may be heard anywhere. most commonly carotid)
 - Systemic Hypertension

#Takayasus #Arteritis #Vasculitis #Diagnosis #Signs #Symptoms
The Calgary Guide to Understanding Disease @TheCalgaryGuide · 4 years ago
Account created for The Calgary Guide to Understanding Disease - Linking pathophysiology to clinical presentation - http://calgaryguide.ucalgary.ca/
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