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Foro de Casos Clínicos reales en Medicina Interna | #FOAMed #PhysicalExam #MedEd
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5 results
Hoffmann's sign was originally described as follows: the test is performed by supporting the patient's hand
Hoffmann's sign ... relaxed and the fingers ... The middle finger ... than the middle finger ... thought that the Hoffmann
Capillary filling time is measured by applying firm pressure on the ventral surface of the distal
the right index finger ... PhysicalExam #Clinical #Finger
Capillary Refill Testing on Physical Exam

- The pressure is increased until the skin is blank and
PhysicalExam #Clinical #Finger
Pyogenic Flexor Tenosynovitis

50-year-old man, kidney transplant, with post-transplant diabetes. Inpatient for pneumonia. It evolves with delirium,
of pain in his fingers ... aspect of the finger ... extension and finger ... Tenosynovitis #Hand #Finger
ECG pattern "de Winter"

(ST depression in V1-V6 with upsloping ST depression and a hyperacute T-wave)

#DeWinter #Pattern
ECG pattern "de Winter