Meghan Kelly Herbst, MD @eusmkh
325.0K 26 26
UCONN Associate Professor in Emergency Medicine. Ultrasound Fellowship Yale 2011. Family, patients, education, running = my life. |
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48 results
Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy on Pelvic Ultrasound

Assessment for an intrauterine pregnancy (IUP). Uterine landmarks are bladder (B)
obgyn #obstetrics #radiology
Anterior Hypokinesis on POCUS Echocardiogram

A 69yo female with history of hypertension presents with 30min shortness of
with anterior wma ... Echocardiogram #clinical #cardiology ... #PSAX #WMA #Akinesis
Lateral Wall Motion Abnormality on POCUS Echocardiogram (PSAX)

Parasternal Short Axis View shows lateral wall motion abnormality
EUSmkh #Lateral #WMA ... ultrasound #PSAX #PSSA #cardiology
Apical Wall Motion Abnormality on POCUS Echocardiogram

LV apical wall motion abnormality on this 4-chamber view.
Differential should
#Abnormality #WMA ... Echocardiogram #clinical #cardiology
Abscess and Cobblestoning on POCUS

Cobblestoning of inflamed fat (“hot” cobblestoning!) and an echogenic abscess. This should
cellulitis #ultrasound #radiology
Anterior-Septal Wall Motion Abnormality on POCUS Echocardiogram

58yoM smoker, neg nuclear ST last week, with CP that
Anterior #Septal #WMA ... Echocardiogram #Clinical #Cardiology
Parasternal Short Axis (PSAX) at the level of the Aortic Valve

Phased array transducer; parasternal short axis/indicator
echocardiogram #clinical #cardiology
Varicocele during Valsalva on Scrotal POCUS
This is a scan over the left testicle. The patient is
in between the SMA
Bladder Irrigation on POCUS (Sagittal View)

Irrigation is being performed for retention caused by hematuria

Dr. Meghan Herbst
ultrasound #urology #radiology
Bladder Irrigation on POCUS (Transverse View)

Irrigation is being performed for retention caused by hematuria

Dr. Meghan Herbst
ultrasound #urology #radiology