Salim R. Rezaie, MD @srrezaie
432.6K 237 116
The creator and founder of REBEL EM and REBEL Cast, a free, critical appraisal blog and podcast that try to cut down knowledge translation time of research to bedside clinical practice. |
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11 results
The Evolution of STEMI ECG Changes 

#STEMI #Evolution #Timeline #EKG #ECG #cardiology #Electrocardiogram
Timeline #EKG #ECG #cardiology
ECG / EKG Localization of Coronary Artery Ischemia / Infarcts. 
#Diagnosis #Cardiology #ECG #EKG #Localization #Map
#Diagnosis #Cardiology
Inferior STEMI with Reciprocal Changes in Lateral Leads

#Inferior #STEMI #EKG #ECG #cardiology #electrocardiogram #ReciprocalChanges
STEMI #EKG #ECG #cardiology
The HEART Score for Chest Pain Patients in the ED

Calculate the HEART Score @

#Diagnosis #Management
Diagnosis #Management #Cardiology
T Waves: Benign Early Repolarization vs Hyperacute T Waves vs Peaked T Waves 

BER = Notching
#ECG #EKG #cardiology
Cardiac Maneuvers and Effects on Murmurs

Valsalva Standing - Decr BIood Return to LV
Laying Down, Squatting, Straight
Effects #Murmurs #Cardiology
What are the original Sgarbossa Criteria?
- Concordant ST-segment elevation ≥ 1 mm in any lead =
#Diagnosis #Cardiology
How should the modified Sgarbossa Criteria be used in initial evaluation of patients with suspected AMI
Validated) #Diagnosis #Cardiology
In July 2015 the ACC/AHA proposed and published an algorithm to help stratify cardiac arrest patients
Stratfication #Management #Cardiology
The Death of MONA in ACS: Part IV – Aspirin provides protection against cardiovascular events (reinfarction,
#EBM #EM #IM #Cardiology