Salim R. Rezaie, MD @srrezaie
432.5K 237 116
The creator and founder of REBEL EM and REBEL Cast, a free, critical appraisal blog and podcast that try to cut down knowledge translation time of research to bedside clinical practice. |
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9 results
Dosing of Ketamine for Severe Agitation 

#ketamine #psychiatry #algorithm #agitation #dosing #Combative #Excited #Delirium #Sedation
Dosing of Ketamine ... algorithm #agitation #dosing
REBEL Review 4 & 5: Paralytic & Vasopressor Dosing 

Paralytic Agents:
 - Succinylcholine (Depolarizing Agent)
& Vasopressor Dosing ... #pharmacology #dosing
REBEL Review 78: Reducing Pain with IO Infusions in Awake Adults 

#IO #intraosseous #lidocaine #Pain #Dosing
lidocaine #Pain #Dosing
REBEL Review 71: Treatment of Thyroid Storm 

Propylthiouracil (PTU) 
Saturated Solution of Potassium
comparison #Dosages #dosing
REBEL Review 90: Weight Based 4 Factor PCC Dosing 

#Hematology #Management #Table #4FactorPCC #REBELReview #Pharmacology #Dosing
Based 4 Factor PCC Dosing ... #Pharmacology #Dosing
REBEL Review 79: Treatment of Hemophilia 

Walkina Out of Pt Room, You Should Know... 
1. Type
management #treatment #dosing
Post Intubation Sedation for Pregnant Patients
#Pharm #OBGyn #Management #PostIntubation #Sedation #Pregnant #Pregnancy #Dosing #Dosages #RebelEM
Pregnant #Pregnancy #Dosing
Multiple Uses for Tranexamic Acid (TXA) - Evidence Based Indications and Dosing

Trauma < 3 hrs •
Indications and Dosing
Modified Allen’s Test before doing a radial ABG #Clinical #Diagnosis #Allen #Test #RebelEM
’s Test before doing