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19 results
Causes of lower gastrointestinal bleeding - An Illustrated Differential Diagnosis 

#Diagnosis #Differential #LowerGI #Bleeding #Diagram #Causes
Causes of lower ... LowerGI #Bleeding #Diagram ... #Causes
Causes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding - An Illustrated Differential Diagnosis

#Diagnosis #Differential #UpperGI #Bleeding #Diagram #Causes

** GrepMed
Causes of upper ... UpperGI #Bleeding #Diagram ... #Causes ** GrepMed
The head impulse test (HIT) result is positive (abnormal) in nearly all patients with a peripheral
with a peripheral cause ... with a central cause ... #PhysicalExam #Neurology
POUND Mnemonic for Diagnosis of Migraine Headache
P Is the headache Pulsatile in quality?
O Is the duration
there associated Nausea ... #PrimaryCare #Neurology
How a Chest Tube Drainage System Works

Bottle 1: Fluid Collection. This is a simple collection bottle
#Diagram #ChestTube
Vasculitis - Break down based on vessel size 
Distribution of vessel involvement by large vessel vasculitis,
The diagram depicts
What are common stroke mimics?
From Konrad CN, Crocco T, Biola J, Larrabee H. Is it stroke,
#Misdiagnosed #Neurology
The Dyspnea Pyramid - Differential Diagnosis for Shortness of Breath

Original Source (Jeff Wiese MD):

#Diagnosis #Dyspnea
#SOB #Pyramid #Causes
Dorsal Penile Nerve Block
#Management #Anatomy #Urology #Dorsal #Penile #Nerves #Block #Injection #Priapism #Regional #Local
Management #Anatomy #Urology
MAGIC DR – a handy mnemonic used to remember the potential causes of a cerebral ring
the potential causes