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117 results
Sites and Mechanisms of Action of Diuretics

#Diuretics #Nephron #SitesOfAction #Mechanism #Nephrology
Sites and Mechanisms ... SitesOfAction #Mechanism #Nephrology
Renal Actions of Diuretics

#Diuretics #Sites #Action #Nephron #Pharmacology #Nephrology
#Diuretics #Sites ... #Pharmacology #Nephrology
Nephron Pathophysiology - Diuretic Sites of Action
1) Acetazolamide/canagliflozin
2) Osmotic agents (mannitol, urearetics)
3) Loop agents (eg, furosemide)
Pathophysiology - Diuretic Sites ... Pathophysiology #Diuretics #Sites ... #Action #nephrology
Hormones acting on the kidney - Nephron map

#Hormones #Nephron #Sites #Action #Pathophysiology #Nephrology #Renal #Kidney
Hormones #Nephron #Sites ... Pathophysiology #Nephrology
Schematic Diagram of Specific Transport Defects in some Renal Tubular Disorders

#Diagnosis #Nephrology #Nephron #Transport #Defects #Sites
#Diagnosis #Nephrology ... Transport #Defects #Sites
Hormones acting on the kidney

#Pathophysiology #Nephrology #Renal #Kidney #Hormones #Nephron #Sites #Action

** GrepMed Recommended Text: First
Pathophysiology #Nephrology ... Hormones #Nephron #Sites
Classification of Some Antimicrobial Agents by Their Sites of Action
Inhibitors of metabolism: Sulfonamides, Trimethoprim
Inhibitors of cell
Classification of ... Agents by Their Sites ... antimicrobial #mechanism #sites
Nephrotic vs Nephritic syndromes - Spectrum of Glomerular Diseases 

#Nephritic #Nephrotic #Syndromes #Spectrum #Classification #Glomerular #Diseases
Syndromes #Spectrum #Classification ... Glomerular #Diseases #Nephrology
Antidiarrheal Medications and their sites of action

#Pharmacology #Pathophysiology #Antidiarrheal #Medications #Sites #Action
Medications and their sites ... #Medications #Sites
Glomerular Diseases - Nephritic and Nephrotic Syndromes

Nephritic syndrome:
 - Acute poststreptococcal 
 - Rapidly progressive
Nephrotic #Syndromes #Classification ... #Nephrology #Diagnosis ... Recommended Text: Nephrology