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201 results
Pathophysiology of the Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) and inhibitors

#Pathophysiology #Pharmacology #RAAS #Renin #Angiotensin #Aldosterone #System #ACEInhibitors
Pathophysiology ... inhibitors #Pathophysiology ... #Pharmacology #
Corticosteroids - effects and side effects

#Corticosteroids #Pharmacology #Pathophysiology #SideEffects #Adverse #Mechanism
Corticosteroids #Pharmacology ... #Pathophysiology
Coagulation and kinin pathways

#Pharmacology #Pathophysiology #Coagulation #Kinin #Pathways #Cascade #Anticoagulants #Antithrombotics #Thrombolytics
kinin pathways #Pharmacology ... #Pathophysiology
Antidiarrheal Medications and their sites of action

#Pharmacology #Pathophysiology #Antidiarrheal #Medications #Sites #Action
sites of action #Pharmacology ... #Pathophysiology
Arachidonic acid pathway and drugs which affect it.

#Pharmacology #Pathophysiology #ArachidonicAcid #Pathways #COX #Prostaglandins #Prostacyclins #Leukotrienes #Synthesis

#Pharmacology #Pathophysiology ... Text: Clinical Pharmacology
Inhibitors of Platelet Aggregation

#Antiplatelet #Inhibitors #Pharmacolgy #Pathophysiology #MechanismOfAction
Antiplatelet #Inhibitors #Pharmacolgy ... #Pathophysiology
Nephron Pathophysiology - Diuretic Sites of Action
1) Acetazolamide/canagliflozin
2) Osmotic agents (mannitol, urearetics)
3) Loop agents (eg, furosemide)
Nephron Pathophysiology ... Adenosine #Nephron #Pathophysiology ... Action #nephrology #pharmacology
Cardiovascular effects of intravenous infusion of Epinephrine, Norepinephrine and Isoproterenol

#Epinephrine #Norepinephrine #Isoproterenol #Pharmacology #Cardiovascular #Effects #Pathophysiology
Isoproterenol #Pharmacology ... Cardiovascular #Effects #Pathophysiology
Mechanism of Action of Diuretics
Amiloride, Triamterene, Spironolactone
Loop Diuretics

#Diuretics #Mechanism #Action #pharmacology #pathophysiology #nephrology
Mechanism #Action #pharmacology ... #pathophysiology
Iron - Possible Routes of Administration and Fate in the Organism

#Iron #Absorption #Routes #Pathophysiology #pharmacology #Oral
Absorption #Routes #Pathophysiology ... #pharmacology #