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81 results
Management of the seriously injured child - Primary and Secondary Survey

#Survey #ABCs #Assessment #Trauma #Peds #Pediatrics
Survey #Survey #ABCs ... Assessment #Trauma #Peds
The preterm infant compared with the term infant. 

#Preterm #Premature #Term #Comparison #PhysicalExam #Features #Peds #Pediatrics
Term #Comparison #PhysicalExam ... #Features #Peds
The Febrile Child - some diagnostic clues to evaluating the febrile child.

#Febrile #Fever #Evaluation #Assessment #Signs
Signs #Symptoms #PhysicalExam ... #Diagnosis #Peds
Initial assessment and management of coma in pediatric population.

Airway - is it secure? 
Breathing — is
Coma #Pediatrics #Peds ... #ABCs #CriticalCare
Clinical features of shock from dehydration in an infant

Decreased level of consciousness 
Sunken fontanelle 
Dry mucous
Extremities #PhysicalExam ... #Dehydration #Peds
Causes of regurgitation/vomiting in children

#Vomiting #Emesis #Differential #Peds #Pediatrics #Diagnosis #Causes
#Differential #Peds
Causes of Anemia in infants & children

#Diagnosis #Peds #Pediatrics #Anemia #Differential #Infants #Features
#Diagnosis #Peds
Causes of anemia in infants & children

#Diagnosis #Peds #Pediatrics #Differential #Anemia #Causes #Algorithm
#Diagnosis #Peds
Causes of Hepatomegaly and Splenomegaly in children

#Hepatomegaly #Splenomegaly #Hepatosplenomegaly #HSM #Differential #Causes #Peds #Pediatrics
Differential #Causes #Peds
Headache in children - History, Types, Red Flag Symptoms 

#Peds #Pediatrics #Headaches #History #RedFlags
Flag Symptoms #Peds