Dr. Priyanka Teckchandani @DrTeck
306.4K 191 97
GrepMed Pulmonary and Critical Care Editor - Academic Hospitalist UC Davis Medical Center Internal Medicine, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellow UC Irvine ‘22
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91 results
Laryngomalacia on Laryngoscopy

Laryngomalacia is a flaccidity of an area of ​​the throat (supraglottic larynx) that causes
Laryngomalacia on Laryngoscopy ... the mouth, using laryngoscopy ... Laryngomalacia #Laryngoscopy ... #bronchoscopy #clinical
Vocal Cord Paralysis on Bronchoscopy
Bronchogenic carcinoma sometimes presents dysphonia as the first symptom. This patient complained
#Bronchoscopy #laryngoscopy ... #clinical #video
Pulmonary Ultrasound Signs

B Sign, B Line, Comets, A Lines, C Lines

#BSign #BLine #Comets #ALines #Clines #Pulmonary
Pulmonary Ultrasound ... Pulmonary #Lung #Ultrasound
Dynamic Air Bronchograms on Lung Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)

If you're looking for something to stare
Point of Care Ultrasound ... AirBronchograms #Lung #Ultrasound ... #POCUS #Clinical
Lung re-expansion of pneumothorax after pigtail thoracostomy on Lung POCUS

Dr. Stephen Alerhand @SAlerhand

#Lung #reexpansion #pneumothorax #POCUS
pneumothorax #POCUS #ultrasound ... #clinical #pulmonary
Pneumonia on Lung POCUS

Large subpleural consolidation with static air bronchograms.

Dr. Stephen Alerhand @SAlerhand

#Pneumonia #Lung #POCUS #Ultrasound
#Lung #POCUS #Ultrasound ... #Bronchograms #Clinical
Adult Epiglottitis on Laryngoscopy
Healing well after 3 days of intravenous antibiotics. This patient presented with 2
Epiglottitis on Laryngoscopy ... #Epiglottitis #Laryngoscopy ... #bronchoscopy #clinical
Tonsillar Hypertrophy on Bronchoscopy

By Dr. Altair Costa Jr @altair.doc

#Epiglottis #Tonsillar #Hypertrophy #Bronchoscopy #laryngoscopy #clinical #video #pulmonary
#Bronchoscopy #laryngoscopy ... #clinical #video
A serious case of Flail chest. This is a medical emergency!

Medical Talk @TheMedicalTalk

#Flail #Chest #Breathing #Pattern
Trauma #Video #Clinical
Trauma - Paradoxical Breathing in Flail Chest 
It occurs when multiple adjacent ribs are broken in
Trauma #Video #Clinical