Dr. Priyanka Teckchandani @DrTeck
305.7K 191 97
GrepMed Pulmonary and Critical Care Editor - Academic Hospitalist UC Davis Medical Center Internal Medicine, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellow UC Irvine ‘22
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8 results
Laryngomalacia on Laryngoscopy

Laryngomalacia is a flaccidity of an area of ​​the throat (supraglottic larynx) that causes
Laryngomalacia on Laryngoscopy ... the mouth, using laryngoscopy ... Laryngomalacia #Laryngoscopy
Vocal Cord Paralysis on Bronchoscopy
Bronchogenic carcinoma sometimes presents dysphonia as the first symptom. This patient complained
#Bronchoscopy #laryngoscopy
Adult Epiglottitis on Laryngoscopy
Healing well after 3 days of intravenous antibiotics. This patient presented with 2
Epiglottitis on Laryngoscopy ... #Epiglottitis #Laryngoscopy
Tonsillar Hypertrophy on Bronchoscopy

By Dr. Altair Costa Jr @altair.doc

#Epiglottis #Tonsillar #Hypertrophy #Bronchoscopy #laryngoscopy #clinical #video #pulmonary
#Bronchoscopy #laryngoscopy
Supraglottoplasty for Laryngomalacia on Laryngoscopy

Laryngomalacia is flaccidity of an area of ​​the throat (supraglottic larynx) that
Laryngomalacia on Laryngoscopy ... the mouth, using laryngoscopy ... Laryngomalacia #Laryngoscopy
Vocal Cord Granuloma on Bronchoscopy

Young Male 30s non-smoker, chronic unexplained cough x 2 years. Failure to
#Bronchoscopy #laryngoscopy
Endoscopic balloon dilation of subglottic stenosis
The video shows balloon dilation of a grade 3 subglottic stenosis,
subglottic #stenosis #Laryngoscopy
Compressed Airway in Tracheomalacia on Laryngoscopy

Compressed airway - asphyxiation. One of the cause is from external
Tracheomalacia on Laryngoscopy ... Tracheomalacia #Laryngoscopy