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Workup for Vitamin B12 and Folate Deficiency

#Workup #VitaminB12 #Folate #Deficiency #FolicAcid #Diagnosis #Macrocytosis #MacrocyticAnemia #Algorithm
Workup for Vitamin B12 and Folate Deficiency #Workup #VitaminB12 #Folate #Deficiency #FolicAcid #Diagnosis #Macrocytosis #MacrocyticAnemia #Algorithm
Causes of Vitamin B12 Deficiency - Cobalamin
Decreased Intake
Pancreas: Insufficiency
Intestine: SIBO, Celiac disease, IBD, Lymphoma, Amyloidosis, Resection,
Causes of Vitamin B12 Deficiency - Cobalamin Decreased Intake Pancreas: Insufficiency Intestine: SIBO, Celiac disease, IBD, Lymphoma, Amyloidosis, Resection, D. latum Stomach: Pernicious anemia, Bypass/gastrectomy, H. pylori infection, B12 malabsorption, Gastritis Other: Medications (PPI, H2 blockers, metformin), Genetic - BWH Medicine Chiefs @BrighamChiefs #Vitamin #B12 #Deficiency #Cobalamin #differential #diagnosis #causes
Approach to Thyroid Function Tests in the Evaluation of Hyperthyroidism
 • Low TSH, Low normal T4
Approach to Thyroid Function Tests in the Evaluation of Hyperthyroidism • Low TSH, Low normal T4 → Possibly Central Hypothyroidism. unlikely subclinical hyperthyroidism. • Low TSH, normal T4 +/- T3 → Subclinical Hyperthyroidism: Work-up similar to hyperthyroidism as below. Can repeat labs 6 weeks after the resolution of pregnancy, critical illness, and dopamine agonists/octreotide. • Low TSH, high T4 +/- T3 → Primary Hyperthyroidism → Signs of symmetrically enlarged thyroid & ophthalmopathy → Graves' Disease → Confirm with TRAb → Radioactive Iodine Uptake & Scan • High or normal TSH, high T4 +/- T3 → Central (secondary) Hyperthyroidism → MRI Pituitary - Dr. Claire Brickson @crbricks #Hyperthyroidism #algorithm #diagnosis #endocrinology #TFTs #TSH #Interpretation
Comparison of Chronic Asthma and COPD Management 2016

- Dr. Eric Strong @DrEricStrong - Strong Medicine https://www.youtube.com/c/EricsMedicalLectures/

Comparison of Chronic Asthma and COPD Management 2016 - Dr. Eric Strong @DrEricStrong - Strong Medicine https://www.youtube.com/c/EricsMedicalLectures/ #Asthma #COPD #Comparison #Chronic #Treatment #Management #Pulmonary
Diagnostic Algorithm for Hematuria 

- Dr. Eric Strong @DrEricStrong 

#Hematuria #Diagnosis #Algorithm #Workup #Evaluation #Urology #PrimaryCare
Diagnostic Algorithm for Hematuria - Dr. Eric Strong @DrEricStrong #Hematuria #Diagnosis #Algorithm #Workup #Evaluation #Urology #PrimaryCare
Pathophysiology of The Nephron - Electrolyte and Water Exchange

The nephron — electrolyte and water exchange. 
Pathophysiology of The Nephron - Electrolyte and Water Exchange The nephron — electrolyte and water exchange. 180 L of water and 26000 mmol of sodium per day enter the nephrons via the afferent arterioles to the kidneys. Removal or addition of electrolytes results in the excretion of approximately I L of water and 60—180 mmol of sodium per day. #Pathophysiology #Nephrology #Nephron #Electrolytes #Reabsorption
General approach to AKI - Checklist

Urine electrolytes & FENa - Previously, it was believed that urine
General approach to AKI - Checklist Urine electrolytes & FENa - Previously, it was believed that urine sodium excretion and fractional excretion of sodium (FENa) could help differentiate between pre-renal and intrinsic renal failure. However, more recent research has shown that FENa performs poorly. Urine eosinophils - This has poor performance for diagnosing acute tubular interstitial nephritis. - Dr. Josh Farkas @PulmCrit #AKI #Checklist #AcuteKidneyInjury #Nephrology #CriticalCare
Fractional Excretion of Sodium - FENa
Fractional Excretion of Sodium (FENa) = (Urine Na+ x Serum Cr)
Fractional Excretion of Sodium - FENa Fractional Excretion of Sodium (FENa) = (Urine Na+ x Serum Cr) / (Serum Na+ x Urine Cr) FEurea < 1% suggests prerenal etiologies FEurea > 2% suggests ATN - Dr. Eric Strong @DrEricStrong - Strong Medicine https://www.youtube.com/c/EricsMedicalLectures/ #FENA #Fractional #Excretion #Sodium #nephrology #calculation #diagnosis
Colitis - Differential Diagnosis by Segment Location

Ascending Colon:
 - Shigella
 - Salmonella
 - Amebic colitis
Hepatic flexure:
Colitis - Differential Diagnosis by Segment Location Ascending Colon: - Shigella - Salmonella - Amebic colitis Hepatic flexure: - Ischemia (Watershed) Cecum and Appendix: - Shigella - Salmonella - Amebic colitis - Appendicitis - Typhlittis (neutropenia) Descending Colon: - Schistosomiasis Terminal Ileum - Yersinia - TB Recto-Sigmoid: - Herpes - Gonorrhea - C. trachomatis Pan-Colitis: - CMV - C Diff - Lymphoma - E Coli Rectum: - Radiation #Colitis #Segment #Location #Differential #Diagnosis #Map #Causes
Colonic Thumbprint Sign on Abdominal XRay - Differential Diagnosis:
 • inflammatory bowel disease: UC and CD
Colonic Thumbprint Sign on Abdominal XRay - Differential Diagnosis: • inflammatory bowel disease: UC and CD • infection (e.g. pseudomembranous colitis) • bowel ischemia • diverticulitis mucosal/submucosal • hemorrhage • lymphoma • amyloid • typhlitis #Colon #Thumbprint #Sign #Differential #Diagnosis #radiology #KUB #Abdominal #XRay