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Oral anticoagulant dosing and bridging for VTE

- Dr. Joseph Shatzel @Clotmaster 

#VTE #DOAC #Bridging #Dosing #Oral
#Loading #DVT #Pharmacology
Clostridium Dificile Risk by Antibiotic Class

Pooled and study-specific risk estimates of community-associated CDI risk by antibiotic
#Association #Pharmacology
Neuropathic Pain: Pharmacotherapy Selection and Effectivity Decision Aid

Figure 2 provides a comparison icon array with natural
#EBM #Pharmacology
Adult Vancomycin Guidelines
The information below provides general dosing guidelines for vancomycin. A maintenance regimen of 15-20
#Management #Pharmacology
Side Effects of Atypical and Typical Antipsychotics - Comparison Table
Atypical antipsychotics: Risperidone, Quetiapine, Olanzapine, Amisulpride, Ziprasidone
Table #Psychiatry #Pharmacology