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Clostridium Dificile Risk by Antibiotic Class

Pooled and study-specific risk estimates of community-associated CDI risk by antibiotic
Clostridium Dificile Risk by Antibiotic Class Pooled and study-specific risk estimates of community-associated CDI risk by antibiotic class. #CDifficile #Infection #Antibiotics #Association #Pharmacology #Class #Risk #Clindamycin #Clostridium #Table #Comparison #OddsRatio #Hierarchy
Side Effects of Atypical and Typical Antipsychotics - Comparison Table
Atypical antipsychotics: Risperidone, Quetiapine, Olanzapine, Amisulpride, Ziprasidone
Side Effects of Atypical and Typical Antipsychotics - Comparison Table Atypical antipsychotics: Risperidone, Quetiapine, Olanzapine, Amisulpride, Ziprasidone Typical antipsychotics: Haloperidol, Chlorpromazine Most adverse effects are common to all antipsychotics, both typical and atypical, but occur to varying degrees for individual medicines Common, dose related adverse effects include: - Sedation – especially with clozapine, olanzapine and quetiapine - Anticholinergic effects such as dry mouth, constipation and blurred vision – especially with clozapine and olanzapine - Dizziness and postural hypotension – especially with clozapine, risperidone and quetiapine - As experience has grown, significant adverse effects associated with atypical antipsychotics have emerged, such as the development of diabetes, dyslipidaemia, weight gain, metabolic syndrome, increased risk of stroke (particularly among elderly people), elevated risk of sudden cardiac death, seizures and tardive dyskinesia. These adverse effects are also associated with typical antipsychotics. #Atypical #Antipsychotics #SideEffects #Adverse #Profiles #Comparison #Table #Psychiatry #Pharmacology #DecisionAid
Normal Vitamin and Mineral Absorption

#Diagnosis #Absorption #Nutrient #Mineral #Vitamin #Duodenum #Ileum #Jejunum #Location #Map #Gastrointestinal
Normal Vitamin and Mineral Absorption #Diagnosis #Absorption #Nutrient #Mineral #Vitamin #Duodenum #Ileum #Jejunum #Location #Map #Gastrointestinal
Hippus, also known as pupillary athetosis is spasmodic, rhythmic, but regular dilating and contracting pupillary movements
Hippus, also known as pupillary athetosis is spasmodic, rhythmic, but regular dilating and contracting pupillary movements between the sphincter and dilator muscles. It is particularly noticeable when pupil function is tested with a light, but is independent of eye movements or changes in illumination. It is usually normal, however pathological hippus can occur. Pathologic hippus, the phenomena of increased oscillation or their amplitude, is associated with aconite poisoning, altered mental status, trauma, cirrhosis, and renal disease; suggesting a common pathway of frontal lobe dysfunction. A retrospective study of 117 hospitalized patients with hippus noted an increased 30-day mortality when compared to controls and adjusted for other factors (odds ratio=4.1, p<0.001). Caption from: #Hippus #Pupillary #Athetosis #PhysicalExam #Clinical #Video #Ophthalmology
Airway Intubation "Blue Card" Checklist

The ‘Blue Card’ can be used to record your airway management over
Airway Intubation "Blue Card" Checklist The ‘Blue Card’ can be used to record your airway management over time. Feel free to use it, free of charge, to evaluate your own practice. Better yet, it can be used in your department or hospital-wide to give even more information. #Management #CriticalCare #Airway #Intubation #BlueCard #Checklist #SelfEvaluation
Delirium: Top Tips

Delirium: Top Tips 1. LOOK CAREFULLY FOR DELIRIUM 2. HARNESS THE POWER OF THE FAMILY 3. FIND/STOP CULPRIT MEDS 4. ORIENTATE YOUR PATIENT Infographic by Dr. Linda Dykes @DrLindaDykes based on original document by Dr. Dan Thomas @dan26wales #Diagnosis #Management #Geriatrics #Delirium #Tips #Guidelines #PINCHME #Mnemonic
Arthrocentesis - Joint Fluid Analysis

Effusion Characteristics (Color, Clarity, WCC, PMN, Crystals, Bacteria) by Disease Process: 
Arthrocentesis - Joint Fluid Analysis Effusion Characteristics (Color, Clarity, WCC, PMN, Crystals, Bacteria) by Disease Process: OA, Traumatic arthritis SLE, , RF , Pseudogout (positively birefringent crystals), Gout (negatively birefringent crystals), TB arthritis, Septic arthritis #Diagnosis #Differential #Arthrocentesis #Joint #Syonvial #Fluid #Effusion #Analysis #Table #Aspiration #Pseudogout #Septic #Infective #Arthritis #Interpretation
Simplified Algorithm for cardiac arrest (Adapted from ACLS 2010) 

#Management #ACLS #LifeSupport #Cardiac #Arrest #Algorithm #HsTs
Simplified Algorithm for cardiac arrest (Adapted from ACLS 2010) #Management #ACLS #LifeSupport #Cardiac #Arrest #Algorithm #HsTs #HTs #Differential #Ddxof
POCUS Echocardiography - Table of Cardiac Views and Windows
 • Parastemal Long-Axis View (PLAX)
 • Parasternal
POCUS Echocardiography - Table of Cardiac Views and Windows • Parastemal Long-Axis View (PLAX) • Parasternal Short-Axis (PSAX) Views • Subcostal (SC) 4-Chamber View • Right Ventricular (RV) Inflow View • Apical 4-Chamber View (A4C) • Inferior Vena Cava (SC) Long Axis • Right Ventricular (RV) Outflow View • Apical 5-Chamber View (A5C) • SC Abdominal Aorta Long Axis • PSAX: Aortic Valve (AV) Level • Apical 2-Chamber View (A2C) • Suprasternal Notch (SSN) View • PSAX: Mitral Valve (MV) Level • Apical 3-Chamber View (A3C) • SSN: Color Flow Doppler #Anatomy #POCUS #Cardiac #TTE #Echocardiogram #Heart #Windows #ChamberViews #Orientations #Atlas #Map #Comparison #Table #Echocardiography #Cardiology
Neuropathic Pain: Pharmacotherapy Selection and Effectivity Decision Aid

Figure 2 provides a comparison icon array with natural
Neuropathic Pain: Pharmacotherapy Selection and Effectivity Decision Aid Figure 2 provides a comparison icon array with natural frequencies for common interventions for neuropathic pain. This tool is not meant to recommend specific therapies but to allow clinicians and patients to see the estimated benefits of various interventions. Adverse events, costs, and patients’ preferences are some of the issues that also contribute to medication selection. #EBM #Pharmacology #PrimaryCare #NeuropathicPain #Neuropathy #Pharmacotherapy #Cannabinoids #Effectiveness #Medications #Meaningful #Improvement #DecisionAid