Dr. Tom Fadial @tomfadial
704.5K 705 251
Educational Technology and Innovation Officer at McGovern Medical School | Department of Emergency Medicine. Creator of ddxof.com, ecgstampede.com | www.twitter.com/thame | www.instagram.com/ddxofmd
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22 results
Algorithm for the management of atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response

- Dr. Tom Fadial @thame 

management #Rapid #Emergency ... #Cardiology
Algorithm for the Evaluation and Management of Suspected Congenital Heart Disease in Neonates

Neonates with undiagnosed congenital
present to the emergency ... Peds #Pediatrics #Cardiology
A guide for the interpretation of CT Abdomen/Pelvis

#CTAbdomen #AbdominalCT #Tutorial #Interpretation #Guide #System #Emergency #Radiology #CT
Guide #System #Emergency ... #Radiology #CT
#Diagnosis #EM #ENT #PrimaryCare #Sore #Throat #SoreThroat #Assessment #Airway #Emergency #RedFlags #Differential #Algorithm #Symptoms #Ddxof
Assessment #Airway #Emergency
Algorithm for the Evaluation of Visual Complaints with Ocular Ultrasonography (POCUS)

- Dr. Tom Fadial @thame 

Ultrasound #Algorithm #Emergency
Algorithm for the Evaluation of Blunt Thoracic Trauma

- Dr. Tom Fadial @thame 

#Blunt #Cardiac #Injury #Thoracic
Diagnosis #Evaluation #Emergency
Differential Diagnosis of Pericardial Effusion

Recent MI
Venous Congestion 

- Dr. Tom Fadial https://twitter.com/thame

Diagnosis #Management #Emergency
Algorithm for the Evaluation and Management of Transfusion Reactions

This algorithm was developed by Dr. Eric Madden,
chief resident in emergency
Algorithm for the Workup of Febrile Seizure

Dr. Tom Fadial https://twitter.com/thame

#Febrile #Seizure #Algorithm #Workup #Fever #Neurology #Emergency
Fever #Neurology #Emergency
Emergency Access Flow Rates with Pressure

 20G		140
 18G		210
 16G		390
 14G		480
 RIC		600
Intraosseous IO
 15G Tibia	30
Emergency Access