John Kevin Dayao @kevind
293.4K 36 25
MS3, UC San Diego School of Medicine Interested in pediatrics and community-based medicine.
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5 results
perioral cyanosis- A blue color around the lips and philtrum is a relatively common finding shortly
is a relatively common ... clinical #photo #peds ... #pediatrics #newborn
Acrocyanosis- Shortly after birth, cyanosis of the hands, feet, and perioral area are common findings. In
perioral area are common ... clinical #photo #newborn ... #peds #pediatrics
Discordant size- ...Discordance between siblings may indicate placental inequalities, twin-twin transfusion syndrome, or other problems. These
smaller twin, on the bottom ... #clinical #peds ... #size #twins #newborn
Facial bruising- Marked bruising of the face can occur during delivery. It is more common when
It is more common ... #peds #pediatrics ... facial #bruising #newborn
Because they have decreased glycogen and fat stores, small for gestational age (SGA) babies are particularly
Polycythemia is also common ... PIH) is a fairly common ... #clinical #newborn ... #peds #pediatrics